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CNN Republican Debate: Haley and DeSantis Spar Over Policy

Tectonic Movements on Display

CNN's primary debate in Iowa on Wednesday night was a showcase of the tectonic policy movements shaping the Republican party. Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis, both considered frontrunners for the GOP nomination, clashed on a range of issues in a contentious fifth Republican debate. Haley asserted that she would easily defeat President Biden in a general election, while DeSantis claimed to be the only candidate with a proven track record of defeating the Left.

Haley vs. DeSantis

Haley and DeSantis engaged in a heated exchange over their respective records on immigration and the economy. Haley criticized DeSantis for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida, accusing him of "locking down" the state and harming businesses. DeSantis defended his actions, arguing that they protected the health and safety of Floridians and helped the state's economy rebound. The two candidates also sparred over Haley's support for a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, which DeSantis opposes.

The debate also featured former President Donald Trump, who remains a dominant figure in the Republican party. Trump maintained his attacks on Biden, calling him a "failure" and a "disaster," and vowed to "make America great again" if re-elected.

Policy Differences

The debate highlighted the substantial policy differences among the Republican candidates. Haley and DeSantis represent two distinct wings of the party, with Haley advocating for a more moderate approach and DeSantis embracing a more conservative agenda. The debate also touched on issues such as foreign policy, abortion, and the role of government.

The Iowa caucuses, scheduled for February 7th, will be the first major test of strength for the Republican candidates. The outcome of the caucuses could significantly impact the trajectory of the race for the GOP nomination.
